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our mission

Bring laughter and support...

Our mission is to bring laughter and support to cancer patients. Cancer patients need love and encouragement during their battle with cancer. We are committed to spreading cheer. Together we can make a difference and help those affected by cancer.

our story

ChemoCheer was born the day I was diagnosed...

Hi, I'm Kent, cancer survivor and founder of ChemoCheer.

The day I was diagnosed with cancer was a tough day. I was filled with mixed emotions as I talked to my family and close friends. I was trying to wrap my head around all the medical aspects of the diagnosis and thinking about the future. It was not an easy day.

At the end of that hard day, I started to wonder what it would be like to be completely bald. I wondered if any of my family or friends would shave their heads in solidarity. I started to laugh out loud as I pictured all my loved ones with shiny bald heads. That's when the idea for ChemoCheer hit me. Why not digitally shave their heads? No clippers needed!

A week or two later, I told my sister-in-law about my idea. Without me knowing, she gathered pictures of my loved ones and digitally 'shaved' their heads. When I would go in for chemo treatments, she would email me the pictures to cheer me up and give me a good laugh. It was great! It was so much fun to feel the love and support. It truly made a difference.

A little laughter can go a long way!

Thank you for being a part of ChemoCheer.

Chemocheer 1.0

The original crew...

The original balding process wasn't so elegant! We had a great laugh but are glad our photoshop days are over.

chemo curls

It came back curly...

When all the baldness finally ended, my hair came back curly. This is known as chemo curl. The curls didn't last long but I sure enjoyed my luscious locks while they lasted!

clipper cheer

If you're feeling really bold...

Just grab a clippers and have at it. We can't promise your hair will grow back curly but your loved one will certainly appreciate the gesture.

Kids were lining up to see my son 'go bald' for me.


We'd love to hear from you...

Please feel free to reach out to us.


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We'd like to offer you a few words of encouragement...



Take some time to do some soul searching. Dealing with cancer can put a heavy strain on you and your family. It can really rock you to your core. Don’t be afraid to seek hope, peace, and comfort for your soul. Find council if you need to. It made an enormous difference for me. The core of my hope and comfort can be best summed up by the famousand beautiful words of the Heidelberg Catechism in its firstquestion and answer:“What is thy only comfort in life and death?“That I with body and soul, both in life and death, am not myown, but belong unto my faithful Savior Jesus Christ; who,with His precious blood, hath fully satisfied for all my sins,and delivered me from all the power of the devil; and sopreserves me that without the will of my heavenly Father,not a hair can fall from my head; yea, that all things mustbe subservient to my salvation, and therefore, by His HolySpirit, He also assures me of eternal life, and makes mesincerely willing and ready, henceforth, to live unto Him.”



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What our customers say

Michael D.
Company Name
“A game changer for us”

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Alice M.
Company Name
“Highly recommended”

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Harry K.
Company Name
“This is unbelievable”

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our team

The amazing team behind Mansk

Michael A.
Founder & CEO
Team Member - Mansk Webflow Template
Team Member - Mansk Webflow Template
Jhon K.
Head of Business
Anne H.
VP of Marketing
Team Member - Mansk Webflow Template